1.) The Intro. A New Referrals = A nice, short welcoming message!
2.) The Follow Up: Every few days, send another message welcoming them to PeopleString, and slip a (TIP:) or (Note:) For example, PeoplePoints or a quick alert on new videos or fast cash deals that have hit the string!
3.) Work in Small Numbers. When I do get a stringer who wants information about the site or help on getting referrals. I offer them a one on one training via Skype, Yahoo Instant Messenger, etc. Make yourself clear as early as possible that PeopleString is NOT a Get Rich Scheme!
Note: This works really well with my social media marketing trainings and safelist trainings
4.) The Local Approach. When I get a stringer locally, I advertise the use of the site FIRST! The money SECOND!
Note: It is better to have 3 active stringer that refers nobody, than 10 active referrals that refers 10 more, but all of them give up for unrealistic expectations.
5.) The Pull Strategy. Throw PeopleString out there to everyone you meet. HOWEVER, do not push people to join by asking them every hour on the hour. Ask enough people, and they will come to you for the information. You advertised Facebook this way, right? Advertise PeopleString in the same way.